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Remember to always consult with your physician before trying any home remedies or over-the-counter treatments. While BV is an incredibly common condition triggered by an imbalance in vaginal bacteria, finding the right treatment is tricky. Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal disorder among reproductive-aged women and occurs when there is an overabundance of harmful bacteria in the vagina. Though you cannot always prevent this infection, you can take the following precautions to steer clear of it.
Bacterial vaginosis symptoms may appear similar to other vaginal infections, and at home remedies may be unsuccessful, so it’s important to see your doctor if symptoms do not disappear. Another promising remedy is boric acid, a white powder with antifungal and antiviral properties. According to limited research, boric acid suppositories inserted into your vagina may help treat bacterial vaginosis, with few side effects. However, more research is needed, so it’s important to check with your doctor before using boric acid.
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Also, this may help in treating diarrheaand vaginal infections, preventing urinary tract infections. Some people even use it for lactose intoleranceand for dealing with high cholesterol level. Yogurt is also resorted for preventing sunburns and colorectal cancer . The overdevelopment of certain microbes or a bacteria imbalance often causes vaginal infections as well as diseases. To put in simple words, bacterial vaginosis is caused by an imbalance of the organisms naturally existing in the vagina. About 95% of the vaginal flora is lactobacillus bacteria, which help in keeping the pH level of vaginal area low and prevent the overdevelopment of other kinds of organisms.
Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Secnidazole is significantly more expensive than other treatments. However, it may be a good option if you prefer a single-dose treatment.
Home remedies for vaginitis
See a picture of Trichomoniasis and learn more about the health topic. Depending on the symptoms and cause of vaginitis, there are remedies you can try at home to manage your symptoms. After all, the warm, moist environment created by tight yoga pants isn’t exactly a recipe for soothing already-irritated vaginal tissue. "They're gentle, nontoxic, and, except for experiencing discharge after insertion, have almost no side effects," says Trubow.
In a study conducted by the Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal in 2014, a randomized clinical trial was conducted to compare the efficacies of garlic and the drug metronidazole. It was conducted on 120 married women aged between years who were diagnosed with BV, these 120 were broken down into two equal groups, and one of the group was given the drug and the other garlic. Yogurt is a natural probiotic; there are several probiotic bacteria such as the lactobacillus strain, which is known to help maintain the basic pH of the body. Randomized trial of Lactin-V to prevent recurrence of bacterial vaginosis. However, taking the following steps may help reduce your risk of recurring BV infections. If you’re diagnosed with BV, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection.
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Having options to alleviate tooth pain is especially important if you are not able to get an appointment with your dentist immediately. The home remedies can prevent the tooth infection from spreading further or at least slow down the infection. If you are pregnant and contract bacterial vaginosis, a premature birth becomes more likely. You may be able to treat a mild case of bacterial vaginosis at home. Bacterial vaginosis happens when naturally-occurring so-called “bad” bacteria outnumber the “good” bacteria in the vagina.

Drinking plenty of water every day can aid in getting rid of BV. Though it depends on many other factors, you can use this remedy to help get rid of it if your BV has just started. You should be drinking about 2.5 liters of water in a day to keep your body hydrated enough and flush out any toxins from the body. Using home remedies and treatment is a great way to handle the situation, but only until the problem doesn’t worsen.
If moisture builds up or your underwear becomes damp during the day, change it or use panty liners. Hypoallergenic laundry detergent may also help if the skin around your vagina is prone to irritation. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission.

Some people might develop allergic reactions to tea tree oil, such as mild skin irritation and blistering rashes. You have had sex with multiple or new sexual partners recently. Pregnant women tend to have an increased potential risk of infections, including BV. The pregnancy period strongly impacts the immune system as well as reproductive organs. Boric acid addition to suppressive antimicrobial therapy for recurrent bacterial vaginosis. Though your symptoms might get better within a few days, be sure to take all your medication as directed.
"Personal hygiene is crucial. In terms of proper undergarments, you want to wear breathable clothing, which includes cotton underwear, to maintain a dry environment," says Hill. Boric acid is another compound that can get rid of harmful bacteria. A boric capsule can be used as a suppository for treating recurring bacterial vaginosis. Also, do keep in mind that it can be toxic if taken internally and shouldn’t be used on open wounds either. Besides, eat garlic in both raw or cooked form every day can also help you reduce BV symptoms naturally. In case you cannot tolerate its taste, you can use garlic capsules after having a consultation of a doctor.

Because of this, its a gamble regarding what the outcome may be when foregoing treatment. Hydrogen peroxide is believed to be a natural disinfectant. This can destroy the infection-causing bacteria in vagina .
According to research, saliva can transfer bacteria into the vagina that could lead to a bacterial overgrowth, creating an environment for BV to flourish. Some sources recommend using it alongside antibiotic treatment. A retrospective study on the use of boric acid shows it’s a promising effective treatment.

BV and vaginal yeast infections have similar symptoms but different causes and treatments. Both cause inflammation of the vagina, also known as vaginitis. It could be years until a BV treatment like LACTIN-V is available on the market. However, a few studies have shown non-native probiotics like L. Fermentum RC-14 may help return the vaginal microbiome to normal.
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